The following terms and conditions apply to all work done by Cyberlab Pty Ltd:

1. Goods stored at Cyberlab’s offices at owner’s risk.

2. All equipment booked in for repair under guarantee must be accompanied by positive proof of purchase at time of registration. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in the customer being charged accordingly.

3. Repaired equipment will only be released on presentation of the Cyberlab Customer Service Request form.

4. Charges:

  • A R400 handling fee will be levied on any goods not under guarantee booked in for service, repair or evaluation.
  • Any amounts charged by the respective agent(s) will be added to the mentioned handling fee.
  • The above fees are also payable under the following conditions:
    • Should no fault be found.
    • If the customer decides against proceeding with the repair process or following a quotation.
    • If no spares and/or local agents for the product could be found.
  • Repairs under the value of R800 are automatically carried out, unless otherwise requested.
  • Consultation is charged at a minimum rate of R960 per hour (or part thereof) in addition to the callout fee of R450 (within a 30km radius). R4.50 per kilometer together with the consultation rate is charged for distances more than 30km.
  • Prices exclude VAT.

5. Repaired goods, equipment booked in for inspection, or items that are uneconomical to repair and not collected within sixty (60) days may be sold to defray expenses or disposed of in the form of scrap.

6. Guarantees:

6.1 All repairs have a carry-in guarantee for a period of thirty (30) days for a repeat fault following repair completion.
6.2 All new hardware has a carry-in guarantee for a period of one (1) year, unless otherwise stated. Power supply units and notebook batteries only carry a three (3) month carry-in guarantee.
6.3 Cyberlab will not be liable for any costs or guarantees whatsoever, caused through or occasioned by the following:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Deliberate or reckless damage
  • Neglect or abuse of the equipment
  • Incorrect operation of equipment
  • An Act of God
  • Corrosive or abrasive substances
  • Incorrect environmental conditions
  • Theft
  • The use of supplies and consumables not approved by Cyberlab
  • The use of a faulty main supply
  • Operator errors
  • Abnormal operating conditions
  • The connection of unauthorised, ancillary equipment
  • Lightning damage
  • ‘Browning’ damage.

7. Cyberlab can not be held responsible for the loss of any data on any storage media including (but not limited to) hard disks, USB storage media, optical media for example CD or DVD disks. It is the responsibility of the owner to make sufficient backup of his/her data.

8. The customer acknowledges that he/she has legal software licenses for all software installed on a PC booked in. Should Cyberlab be requested to repair, install or upgrade any software, the owner takes full responsibility of any legal issue(s) that might arise out of software installed on the PC. Cyberlab may refuse to install software if the client is unable to provide the original installation media and license keys or proof of ownership.

9. Payment terms: Strictly Cash On Order, except if otherwise stated in writing.

10. Goods remain the property of Cyberlab Pty Ltd. until fully paid for.

11. Quotations issued by Cyberlab are based on the Rand-Dollar exchange rate at the time the quotation was issued, and valid for the specific day only. A decline in the exchange rate might affect the price quoted. The supply of products quoted on is subject to stock availability.

12. A cancellation notice period of 1 (one) calendar month is applicable for all Internet and hosting services, for example but not limited to e-mail hosting, website hosting, server hosting, Internet connections, Microsoft 365 subscriptions, unless otherwise stated in writing.

13. Software and Services, including Hosting services that Cyberlab provide, resell or manage on a client’s behalf is subject to the provider’s own terms and conditions. By using any of these products or services, the client agrees to the upstream provider’s terms and conditions as well.

14. In the event where Cyberlab is required to make a backup of a customer’s data all possible care will go into the process, but Cyberlab cannot guarantee that the backup will be usable. Cyberlab cannot be held responsible for any loss of data, or any costs as a result thereof.

15. In the event where equipment is loaned to, or rented by a customer, or at a customer’s premises for whatever reason, the customer assumes responsibility for all risk, loss or damage to the equipment while the equipment is in the care, custody, control or in transit back to Cyberlab.

16. Cyberlab will put all reasonable security measures in place for all servers and computer workstations/notebooks that are managed by Cyberlab, this done as per the client’s security policies and procured security and backup applications, but Cyberlab cannot be held responsible for any loss of data, loss of income or any other expenses that might occur due to a virus or malware infection, ransomware, unauthorized access by a third party or any other reason whatsoever. 

Cyberlab reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions from time to time with or without notice to clients.